Tasting Koreaworld

A sequel to the bestselling Koreatown of 2016, Koreaworld is a cookbook, a travelogue, and a culinary investigation by a chef, a journalist, and a documentary-style photographer.

Chef Deuki Hong, food writer Matt Rodbard, and photographer Alex Lau begin with a deep dive into contemporary Korean cuisine in Seoul as well as in its lesser-known rural provinces before touring and analyzing the cuisine’s evolution in Koreatowns across the United States.

Designed to be a documentary cookbook, the team visited neighborhoods, markets and restaurants, recorded whatever there was to see on film, tasted everything there was to taste, then compiled this book of stories and recipes based on their interviews and memories.

“Expanding beyond recipes, we touch on the modern history of Korea and the Korean diaspora through short essays and visits to some places less covered in the Western media,” they explain.