Curriculum Vitae
Michael Hofferber
Box 8654
Boise Idaho 83707
Professional Profile
* Veteran writer and editor with an abiding interest in science and natural history issues..
* Effective presenter, teacher and performer with exceptional public speaking skills.
* Innovative program marketing and administration professional.
Experience and Accomplishments in Writing, Editing, Publishing
* Received federal contract to research and write interpretive programs and prepare interpretive handouts for the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City, Oregon.
* Authored scripts and speeches for history-based programs presented at conventions, meetings, theaters, museums and county fairs by Historic Speakers Bureau.
* Author of the Environmental Impact Statement for Galena Lodge, Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho.
* Published a book-length collection of columns and essays on rural life issues, titled Rural Delivery.
* Author of "A 125-Year History of Galena" published by Blaine County Recreation District
* Copywriter for ten consecutive annual reports of Galena Lodge and the North Valley Trails for Blaine County Recreation District, Hailey, Idaho.
* Columnist for The Capital Press newspaper, writing a bi-weekly column on rural life issues, titled "Outrider," 1992-2008.
* Feature writer for Back Stage, a theatre trade newspaper based in New York, 1985-1990.
* Resident science writer at University of Idaho, covering research in colleges of agriculture, arts & sciences, engineering, forestry, mines & earth resources.
* Freelance journalist/writer specializing in coverage of science, environment and natural history issues for dozens of national magazines and newspapers.
* Author of "Book Notes Wild" nature writing book review column in the literary journal, The Snowy Egret.
* Author of successful grant applications for the Kansas ARC, Idaho Repertory Theatre, Blaine County Recreation District, Southern Idaho Solid Waste and the Crossroads Center for the Creative & Performing Arts.
* Editor of revised edition of The Book of Bests, published by Andrews & McMeel.
* Senior editor of a consumer newsletter based in Manhattan, The Best Report, supervising staff writers and field editors, editing, fact-checking, proofing and writing.
* Author of "Country Living" chapter in The Expert's Book of Hints, Tips & Evervday Wisdom, published by Rodale Press.
* Author of “The Practice of Country Politics” in American Government: Readings from Across Society, published by Longman.
* Author of 80th anniversary history of the Magic Valley Regional Medical Center, Twin Falls, Idaho.
* Designed, developed and produced faculty-staff newsletter for University of Idaho for the purpose of improving in-house communications.
* Created and published monthly newsletter on regional live stage entertainment, The Northwest Stage.
Experience and Accomplishments as an Educator, Presenter and Performer
* Performed in historic interpretation roles recreating significant scientific, literary and political figures of the 19th century through Historic Speakers Bureau, Baker City, Oregon.
* Designed, composed and led interpretive trail hikes at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City, Oregon.
* Delivered speeches, led workshops, created education materials, and delivered classroom presentations on recycling for Southern Idaho Solid Waste.
* Taught class on writing for publication, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
* Organized and led play reading program for adults, Crossroads Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Baker City, Oregon.
* Taught class on comedy acting for kids, Crossroads Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Baker City, Oregon.
* Made numerous public presentations on arts and recreation programming for the developmentally disabled throughout the state of Kansas and at out-of-state meetings as Special Projects Coordinator for Kansas ARC, Merriam, Kansas.
* Conceived, organized and promoted nationwide playwriting competition for full-length plays on the subject of developmental disabilities for Kansas ARC, culminating with a staged production of the winning script -- "Take a Card, Any Card" -- at Kansas State University.
* Performed professionally as an actor with Idaho Public Theatre, Boise, Idaho.
Experience and Accomplishments in Program Administration and Marketing
* Served as Assistant Chief Judge for Ada County's Precinct 1511 in Boise, Idaho, during 2018 election.
* Developed and administered award-winning recycling education and marketing programs for Southern Idaho Solid Waste across a five-county region of Idaho.
* Administered a staff of junior editors and a network of freelance correspondents as senior editor of The Best Report, an upscale consumer magazine in New York, New York.
* Created, developed, and managed Farmer's Market Online email newsletter and website as a specialty niche platform for producers selling their goods direct to the consumer; currently serving more than 200 vendors and attracting nearly 2,000 unique visitors daily. Responsible for all aspects of the business, including financial planning, design, graphics, web content, copywriting, sales and promotion..
* Produced, edited and distributed educational video programs and public service announcements promoting recycling and composting for Southern Idaho Solid Waste District.
* Developed and managed unique online "Southern Idaho Waste Exchange" for Southern Idaho Solid Waste District to encourage re-use of materials that might otherwise be landfilled.
* Developed and administered unique and innovative arts and recreation programs for developmentally disabled citizens of Kansas -- including Tennis Tour, Rodeo, and Performing Arts Competition -- designed to encourage "normalization" and positively influence attitudes of general public and handicapped populations.
* Directed marketing campaign that resurrected University of Idaho’s summer theatre program as Idaho Repertory Theatre and dramatically increased community support and box office revenues. Developed new community partnerships through volunteer group (Community Associates for Summer Theatre) which held fund-raising activities, sponsored special events and sold season tickets.
* Planned, developed and successfully implemented public information programs for employers and clients, including Southern Idaho Solid Waste District, National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Crossroads Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Blaine County Recreation District, Idaho Repertory Theatre, Kansas Association for Retarded Citizens, and University of Idaho.
* Served as administrator for community arts center in Baker City, Oregon, developing programs, coordinating volunteers, fundraising and writing grants.
* Consulted on the design and organization of content for the website of the Magic Valley Regional Medical Center, Twin Falls, Idaho.
* Developed, designed and maintained website for the Association of Idaho Recyclers to market and promote the organization, Boise, Idaho.
* Designed and maintained "Farm to Fork Exchange" website to promote sustainable agriculture for Idaho Rural Council, Twin Falls, Idaho.
* Researched, drafted, edited and/or distributed news releases for employers and clients.
* Produced, coordinated and distributed 45 rpm record to radio stations in the state of Kansas featuring original songs about opportunities for developmentally disabled citizens performed by recording artist Fletcher Foster.
* Supervised statewide network of community volunteers in development of local arts and recreation programs for developmentally disabled individuals in Kansas.
Chronology of Experience
* Publisher, Internet Marketing Director/Web Content Writer and Editor, Farmer's Market Online, Oregon and Idaho. June 1994 to present.
* Assistant Chief Judge, Ada County Elections, November 2018.
* Draw Manager, State of Idaho, November 2017 to present.
* Security Guard, Sun Valley Company, August 2015 to July 2017
* Clerk, State of Idaho, October 2008 to August 2015
* Creative Director, Historic Speakers Bureau, Baker City, Oregon. August 2005 to July 2007.
* Packaged Foods Department Manager, Greater Baker Food Co-op. November 2003 to June 2005.
* Administrative Director and Grant Writer, Crossroads Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Baker City, Oregon. March 2003 to September 2003.
* Community Educator/Recycling Coordinator, Southern Idaho Solid Waste, Burley, Idaho. October 1996 to March 2003.
* Columnist and Correspondent, The Capital Press, regional Northwest ag newspaper. January 1992 to present.
* Writer and Editor, Outrider News Service, Ketchum, Idaho and Baker City, Oregon. April 1991 to May 2007.
* Blaine County correspondent, The Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho, April 1991 to January 1995.
* Reporter, Wood River Journal, Hailey, Idaho. September 1989 to April 1991.
* Sports Editor, Central Oregonian, Prineville, Oregon. July 1988 to August 1989.
* Freelance Travel/Science Writer, New York, New York and Seattle, Washington. May 1986 to August 1989.
* Senior Editor, The Best Report, New York, New York. October 1984 to May 1986.
* Marketing Director, Idaho Repertory Theatre, Moscow, Idaho. June 1984 to September 1984.
* Editor, Moscow Magazine, Moscow, Idaho. January 1984 to September 1984.
* Arts Columnist and Critic, Lewiston Morning Tribune, January 1982 to May 1984
* Communications Specialist/Science Writer, University of Idaho News Bureau, Moscow, Idaho. October 1981 to January 1984.
* Sports Editor/News Editor, Tillamook Headlight-Herald, Tillamook, Oregon. August 1980 to October 1981.
* Special Projects Coordinator, Kansas ARC, Merriam, Kansas. October 1978 to July 1980.
* Project Coordinator, Idaho Public Theatre, Boise, Idaho. October 1977 to September 1978.
* Graduated with Honors from Boise State University in 1978 with a Bachelors Degree in Communications with an English emphasis.
* Completed British Theatre Association Summer Training Program in Cheltenham, England, 1977.
System Proficiencies
* Experienced with Macintosh and Windows-based computer environments.
* Familiar with Microsoft Office applications, particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
* Knowledgable and experienced in the use of HTML, Nvu, FrontPage and other Web technologies to create and edit Web pages.
* Experienced with using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to distribute information and build communities.
* Experienced with desktop publishing software programs, including Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
* Able and willing to learn new software to complete assignments as needed.
* Knowledge of publishing techniques, including the editorial, graphic design and printing/production aspects of publishing.
Awards, Appointments and Elective Office
* Precinct Committeeman, 2004, Baker County, Oregon.
* Bronze Award, 1999. Recycling Program. Solid Waste Association of North America .
* City Councilman, 1992-1993, Bellevue, Idaho.
* Beyond War Award, Environmental Journalism, 1991.
* Excellence in Journalism 1990. First Place, Second Place in General Columns. Second Place in Feature Writing. Society of Professional Journalists.
Clients and Published Credits
* American Forests Magazine
Hoedadders East & West (5/88)
* America West Airlines Magazine
Raptor's Roost (5/89)
Boise Believer (3/89)
Terminal Attraction (10/88)
Going to Extremes (2/88)
Pioneering the Future (10/87)
Future Shock (7/87)
Terrain Game (5/87)
* Amtrak Express
* Arizona Highways
Testing Your Wits in the Wild (5/92)
* Association of Idaho Recyclers
* Back Stage
Renaissance in American Schools (1/25/85)
Seattle: Settlin' In As A Major Theatre Center (6/17/88)
Clowns on Center Stage: The New Vaudevillians (6/3/88)
Sneak Preview: Filmmakers of the 21st Century (2/12/88)
* Blaine County Recreation District
The Unique History of Galena: Silver, Trout, & Trails
* Bureau of Land Management
* California Highway Patrolman Magazine
Private Railroading (8/86)
Trading Places (10/85)
* Capper's
Plain-nosed Reindeer Thrive on Idaho Ranch (12/21/93)
* Career World
The Garnet Queen (9/89)
Visiting Friends: Guestroom Exchange Service Takes Off (10/87)
From Hobby to Career: The Stamping Grounds (1/87)
Yakov Smirnoff: Making America Laugh (12/86)
Working in the Wilderness (10/85)
* Chicago Tribune
Thinking Runners Set Their Course for Orienteering Meets (9/25/88)
Host of Festivals Shows America's Love for Shaespeare (5/1/88)
* Civil War Tmes
Bronze Heroes (11/87)
* Country America Magazine
* Country Fold Art Magazine
* Country Journal
Buying Farmland (5/93)
A Well-Rounded Barn (2/87)
The Practice of Country Politics (March/April 1995)
* Dramatics
Close-up on Film Schools (5/88)
The New Generation of Acting Teachers (4/88)
The Murder Game (10/87)
Actors in Motion (1/87)
* Earth Magazine
* Emergency Magazine
Hospitals in Critical Condition (1/89)
Dukes of Haz Mat (12/88)
* Empire Magazine (Denver Post)
* Exhibit Magazine
Paint By Numbers (3/88)
* Family Fun Magazine
* Farm Times
* Ford Times
Riding High (7/88)
* Friendly Exchange
All's Well in Ashland (2/87)
* Gallery Magazine
Rolling on the River (7/84)
* Golf Course Management
Frontier Fairways (7/82)
* Grit
* Heartland USA
Cajun Country (Autumn, 93)
Ice Age Post Cards (Summer, 93)
* High Country News
Yellowstone fires produce new trees not meadows (10/17/94)
* High on Adventure
Backpacking at Columbia Gorge (2/2000)
* Horse and Horseman
Along the Nez Perce Trail (11/94)
East Meets Western Horse (9/93)
* Idaho Grain Magazine
* Idaho Rural Council
* Kansas!
Lecompton Rediscovered (3rd Issue/79)
* Kiwanis Magazine
Sports' Path to Orienteering (5/88)
The Lure of Vintage Tackle (4/87)
* Learning Magazine
Adventures with Maps (7/89)
* Literary Sketches
The Tramping Poet (1/93)
* Magic Valley Regional Medical Center
80 Years in the Life of a County Hospital
* Maine Organic Farmers & Gardener
* MD Magazine
Hooks, Lines & Sinkers (8/89)
* Men's Fitness
* Men's Health
A New Focus in Contact Lenses (4/89)
* Modern Maturity
Spotlight: Garnet Queen of Emerald Creek (4/89)
Fast Trackers (4/88)
America's Majestic Hikes (2/88)
* Montana Magazine
Exploring Off the Beaten Path (1/89)
* MotorHome Magazine
* New York Daily News
Class Action (5/1/88)
* Northwest Magazine (Oregonian)
Off the Beaten Path (7/31/88)
The Electronic Paintbrush (4/10/88)
Prince of Dune: Yakima's Kyle MacLachlan (12/2/84)
* Outside Magazine
* Out West
* Pacific Northwest Magazine
* Performance Magazine
BSU's Morrison Center (11/11/83)
Entertainment Offered Year-Round at Four Seasons Arena (11/11/83)
* Puget Sound Computer User
Business Profile: Assessing Risks (3/88)
* Reptiles
Farewell to Frogs (12/90)
* Ruralite
Horses Spend Retirement Years on the Camas Prairie (9/98)
* Seattle Weekly
Hippie Reforesters (12/7/88)
* Small Farm Today
* Sports Retailer
* The Best Report (senior editor, 1984-85)
* The Bloomsbury Review
* The Book of Bests (editor, 1985)
* The Capital Press
* The Office
Advances in Database Management Systems (2/89)
Leasing: An Alternative to Equipment Purchasing (7/88)
Word Processing: Is It Time to Upgrade? (4/88)
The Desktop Options for Integrating Voice and Data (2/88)
* Tillamook Headlight-Herald
Joyce Thompson: A Novelist in Six Chapters (9/80)
Mohler (6/81)
* True West
Gold Dust in the Footlights (8/89)
* Twin Falls Times-News
Ketchum Artist Rides Into the Old West (6/28/93)
Raptors Thrive Along Snake River Canyon (10/7/91)
* Uncharted
The Eyes of David Butterfield (Summer, 1991)
* USAir Magazine
Paint By Numbers (7/89)
Quick Draw Millionaire (4/89)
* Western Horseman
Poison Hotline for Animals (5/93)
* Westways
* Wildfire
* Wild West
* Women's Circle
Idaho Woman Converts Russets to Sweet Potatoes (12/93)
* Wood River Journal
The Spirit Lives On (9/19/90)
Rock Art (4/11/90)
Bombing the Brain (10/11/89)
Selling the Family Farm (9/6/89)
* Woodworkers Business News
The Wood Connection: Partners in Success (9/93)
* Wyoming Rural Electric News
Media Clippings
* U.S. News and World Report; Best Small Business to Start: Manager, Online Farmers' Market