Tech Anxiety
I live and work in a vulnerable state
Insecure and constantly threatened
By the unseen self-righteous gods
Who pull the switches and punch the buttons
Of our interconnected and technically miraculous existence.
Smarter than the users who depend on them
More powerful than any politician
Able to stop networks with a single pound
Unconstrained by moral standards
And free of social constraints
Like the Nazi youth of a similar age
Sworn allegiance to power
Super men and women of the wunderkind
Who cut my cell or lose my line
Drop my calls and divert my accounts
Change my passwords and deny service
Duly paid and contracted
Ignore my pleas and scoff at my despair
Hidden somewhere in these devices
Or their algorithms
With incomprehensible instructions
That I'm ready to ditch
In the East River of my frustrations
And go back to
Digging in dirt and peddling tangibles.